Azure Active Directory – inviting users when you are not an AAD admin

By default, all users, including guests, can invite guest users.

Isn’t it beautiful?

No, it’s not!

Definitely not if you are an AAD admin. So treat this post as a warning. Your users, including !!guest users!! can invite other users to your AAD by default. If you are ok with that – then fine. If not, follow THIS LINK to make your life better.


Now, the dark side.

If you are a user who wants to invite someone to the company’s AAD, for example, to add him/her into Teams channel, or Azure DevOps project, then you probably have that power “by default” 😛

Well, you have probably also the power to list ALL users in your AAD. That’s the lesson I learned when I looked for possibilities to get ClientID for dedicated workload principal (and a way to do it, click HERE)

Anyway, the process is simple.

0. Install AzureAD module if you don’t have it

  1. Log in into you AAD account using powershell and command:
  2. Send the invitation:
    New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserEmailAddress -SendInvitationMessage $True -InviteRedirectUrl ""


And that’s it. User will receive and invitation email, after accepting it will be redirected to the site in -InviteRedirectUrl.

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